Ecolabel Certification Type I
Ecolabel certification is certification on a product that takes into account the principles of environmental stewardship where the focus of the assessment includes the use of raw materials, environmental management, energy and the use of packaging.
Our ecolabel certification scheme is:
-Sheet glass (SNI 7188-10-2017)
-Ceramic tiles (SNI 7188.8-2013)
For rights and obligations and other rules contained in the certification agreement below:
Ecolabel Certification Type II
Ecolabel certification Type II or self-declaration is a company’s initial claim for a product that meets certain environmental aspects. With the Ecolabel Type II or Self-Declaration Certification, it is evident that the company is committed to fulfilling the environmental aspects that have been determined
Our Ecolabel Verification Body registration certificate is as follows:
Registration certificate Ecolabel Verification Body of IAPMO Group Indonesia
The ecolabel certification scheme we have is:
The scope is:
The scope that will be evaluated using this scheme is green concrete products produced from each batching plant with a claim of reducing resource use in 1 year which is assessed through:
The scope that will be evaluated using this scheme is food packaging with environmental claims as follows:
-Ecolabel of Washing and Cleaning Agents
The scope that will be evaluated using this scheme is a liquid washing/cleaning agent with an active surfactant with a biodegradable claim.
-Ecolabel of Sanitary and Fittings
The scope that will be evaluated using this scheme is sanitary equipment and supply fittings with water efficiency claims.
Included in the sanitary equipment and supply fittings are: